Employee Acceptable Use Policy
Phone: 903.832.1535
Fax 903.831.3264
The Liberty-Eylau Technology Department is committed to the distribution, maintenance, support, and repair of district owned technology including hardware and software that has been implemented on all campuses in an effort to elevate the education of every student. The LEISD Technology Department understands that students of today are digital learners and do not just thrive from having technology in the classroom, but require it in order to learn in this digital age. Therefore the LEISD Technology Department dedicates its time to make certain that there is little down time between these students and their technology needs as well as providing them with new, exciting technology to interact and learn with as often as possible. The Technology Department also ensures that Liberty-Eylau staff and teachers are well equipped with the proper tools to conduct student management and education.
LEISD Google Certified Educators: Click Here
In order to ensure that safety remains a high priority of the district, LEISD has implemented a technological safety and security program that includes, but is not limited to:
Technology Applications standards for kindergarten through high school.
TEA has Internet safety resources available for students, educators, and parents.
State and federal educational technology resources include information on laws, updates on initiatives, grant and funding information, and digital learning tools.
School Libraries offer a wealth of information and resources for digital learning.
Educators can participate in professional development and share resources through Texas Education on iTunesU.
The Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) provides online courses to eligible students..
Office Hours Monday-Thursday 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM Friday 7:30AM – 4:00PM